Anna Paquin and Ryan Kwanten

I MISS TRUE BLOOD!!! I really do. Every Sunday I would look forward to an hour of sexy, weird, vampire action. Everyone in the cast was simply HOT AF!!!!! I would have let any of them sink their teeth into me. These two inparticular.

Sookie and Jason Stackhouse. The hottest brother and sister pair to ever be created. HBO knew what they were doing for ALL of us when they created those siblings.

Anna and Ryan are both the epitome of sexy and today I am taking a moment to remember them, their characters, their sex scenes and all hot things they did for months and months every Sunday night.

Thank you forever and always Jason and Sookie. We will always love you….


The Shitty Housewife


Black Bean Burgers

So I have been trying to be healthy and attempting to eat less meat. It has been going great! I love cooking and now that my garden is in full swing, I am vegging it up. But I still want something hearty, as does the rest of the family. So I decided to try and make homemeade black bean burgers.

I was so exited because I found loads of recipe ideas and even more excited that I had almost all of the ingredients….THAT SHIT NEVER HAPPENS!! I was SO excited to try these because I love them so much premade. I assumed they woud be a million times better fresh. So here we go!!


2 Cans of Black Beans, drained and divided

2 Cloves of garlic

1 Small Yellow Onion

Parsely, Cilantro and any fresh herbs you want to add

1 Egg

1 Cup Breadcrumbs

STEP ONE: Put 1 can of beans, onion and garlic in food processor. I have a Ninja, which I freaking love and it worked great!!


STEP TWO: Pour other can of beans in a bowl. DRAIN THEM WELL!!!!


STEP THREE: Add egg, salt, pepper and all the herbs you would want and pulse in processor.IMG_20170511_151800

STEP FOUR: Let the tantruming commence….


STEP FIVE: Pour processed mixed in with the whole beans, add bread crumbs and mix.

STEP SIX: Realize your children are never going to sit through this process and work on Plan B.

STEP SEVEN: Take mixture and make into patties.


STEP EIGHT: PLAN B…give them pizza. Not healthy and not vegetarian, but everyone stopped whining.


So yeah, this really happened. Call it bad timing, but tonight was not the night for patience in this house. Sometimes we force it, other times, we let it win. So whatever, they had pizza and the patties are in the freezer and we wil try again this weekend. True recipe tales of The Shitty Housewife….don’t get more real than this!


The Shitty Housewife

Jan O


Shittiest Move of the Week


Wow, it has been a hot minute since I wrote one of these! And looking back at the past few months, I have a million shitty stories I could share with you. But yesterday morning, yes 24 hours ago, something happened that was too good not to share.

Here is your warning… may be TMI……but what the fuck else is new here, right?

So I woke up incrediby frisky. Like it had been on my brain and I woke up ready to go. Our alarm goes off around 6ish, so it was early, but I did not care. Normally the snooze button is hit several times, but this morning, snoozing was not on my mind. I snuggled up, put my hands in certain areas and Matt woke up ready to play. I was stoked until we heard a quiet cough and realized Kellen, my 3 year old had snuck into our bed at some point in the night and was passed out at my feet. SHIT. I thought the moment was over…..another parenting moment for the books. But my main squeeze was not giving up.

He picked me up….so hot….and walked me to the bathroom. We have a large bathroom and our washer and dryer are in there. He glanced over at the dryer and smiled.

“Oh shit” I thought “We are about to have washer/dryer sex??!!!! THIS IS AWESOME.” You know what I am talking about. When you are newbies and you have sex anywhere and everywhere besides the bed. He throws you on top of the dryer, you’re looking all sexy, things get all heated. IT IS THE BEST! It is weird, it is raw, it is AWESOME…….

But we are married with children, so here is what actually happened. First, after he picked me up out of bed, he had to put me back down and not on the machine quite yet. I have been way behind on laundry, so there were piles of clothes on top of the dryer. We had to quickly put things on the floor.

“Don’t ruin the piles.” Yeah, that is some sexy talk right there.

Once that was over we got back into it. He picked me up again and put me on top of the dryer. As we made out and started to take off some remaining clothes, all I could smell was the mildew scent coming from the washer.

“Fuck, I forgot to move the laundry over.” Yeah, I know how to dirty talk, right?

Things escalated quickly, they had too, kids were starting to wake up. We started going for it…

“We can’t break this thing, I have to have a working dryer. There are too many of us for a broken dryer.” Clearly, my head was in the game. He was 100% tuning me out and 115% thining of Mila Kunis.

Within seconds the kids were banging on the door. We wrapped shit up and went on with our morning routine of screaming kids, flying apple juice and panicked rushing. Right before Matt walked out the door he said in my ear,”That was much sexier in my head. Better luck next time.”  I laughed because he was so right. What was suppose to be this hot, sexy, heat of the moment thing turned into something completely different. But I guess that shit happenes. Should have had a better game face on…..until next time.


The Shitty Housewife

Jan O


Why We Love: Mercedes Rivera

13312847_10107673365930013_7394803996112528617_nI am so excited to talk to you guys about Mercedes. She is a goddess. She is a queen. She is the coolest chick to ever come into my life. I literally  gaze at her in amazement when she speaks, because everything she says is the epitome of cool… yet she has no clue how fucking cool she really is, which, again, makes her the coolest chick ever. If you are lucky enough to meet Mercedes a few things go through your brain.

First off, you truly feel like you have just met a fairy. A real life, wings about to come out of her shoulder blades, glittery fairy.

Secondly, within seconds, you realize, “Wow, I think I am talking to the most genuine human to ever exist.

And lastly you think, “Did I just make a new best friend?” because she makes you feel that special. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. YOU. TALK. She is simply incredible!!

Okay, now that I have gushed over my girl crush, let me tell you what makes her even more amazing: HER JEWELRY! That is right folks, Mercedes makes awesome jewelry and you should all go to her pages (listed below) and buy all of it. I was honored that she wanted to sit down and talk to me about herself and her art. So here ya go…

So, tell me a little about yourself? My name is Mercedes, I was born and raised in the County of Dade, Florida.  I don’t like to read or watch TV. I have a Ninja Turtle obsession and think I was a mermaid in my past life. My ultimate life goal is to have a sick treehouse with a view and until then, enjoy the journey.

How did you get involved with jewelry design? My Mom loves to create jewelry in her spare time, she got really into beads when I was in middle school and started making buddhist prayer necklaces.  I thought the beads were super cool so I would steal a few at a time. Started my own collection and eventually had a shit ton of beads I wasn’t doing anything but hoarding. Took them along with me to college and eventually got bored one day here in Atlanta and made some bracelets. Made one for a friend as a thank you gift.  It received a lot of attention when she posted it on Instagram and the rest was kind of history.  Opened my Etsy for fun, won Best of Atlanta in Creative Loafing in 2015 and took that as a confirmation to follow my heart.   

Have you always been an artist in some way? I actually just started admitting it this year. Mostly because I can’t draw worth a dime. I can admit I’ve always been creative.

You are also writing a children’s book? What has that experience been like? I have always had the desire to write a kids book since I’ve worked so closely with them my whole life.  As a nanny I read dozens of kids books a week and I just get tired of stories with weak plots, or no plot at all.  I also can’t stand a wordy, lengthy kids book. I’m sure most parents can agree with me on that! I happen to be best friends with an artist, Roger, who specializes in character design. He also happens to be a KICK ASS tattoo artist (visit his site here). Funny story, we would always talk about doing this book, I spent months doing research on writing and publishing, so much that I never got to the actual story.  Roger one day kindly bribed me to sit down and start writing the book saying that he would make my logo for Heart Mercedes.  So that night I did just that. I wrote half the book in a little over an hour. It just kind of poured out. Showed Roger, I couldn’t believe how excited he got (the main characters are his kids that may have had a little something to do with it; they’re awesome).  I finished the book that night. He is currently working on illustrating the book and in the process we lucked out on an opportunity to pilot an animated series. Writing a book has now turned into working on episodes for a plausible series, its been an unbelievable journey with so much work ahead of us.

If you could be any children’s book character yourself, who would you be? Ramona Quimby. I loved reading her books growing up, Ramona happens to be my middle name and I can be a bit of a brat at times, felt like we related well.

What inspires you to create? Everything. Music, people, nature, travel, culture. Life is beautiful, it’s inspiring.

Describe your perfect date? I’m a simple girl. I like thoughtful surprises and random adventures. Bonus points if it’s outdoors with a killer view. The best dates end with ice cream.

Who is your favorite artist? My mom, she approaches life as one big art project, our house, the food she cooks, the garden, and of course in her jewelry.

I ask all of my guests this… what is the shittiest move you have ever made? When I was in 7th grade we had a teacher that no one liked.  She was just always mad! She happened to like me but she was still mean to all my friends.  One day she asked me to fill up her water bottle and my friends saw me at the water fountain asked me whose it was and when I told them it was hers, two of them spit in it. Ah!!!! They shook it up and gave it to her. I watched her drink it and felt like shit. She didn’t get any nicer to say the least. Never told her but even retelling the story I feel like a douche.

Where can readers purchase your designs? I have an Etsy shop but the easiest way to find it is on my

Shameless plug….social media info/website/etc.

@HeartMercedes for my Jewelry on IG. If you want a glimpse at my personal life and all my selfies you can follow @YokoOnoBenzo. Like my facebook page: Shop Heart Mercedes

Every please go and check her out. Follow her journey because she and it are amazing!


The Shitty Housewife

Jan O

Things You Can & Can’t Wear When Breastfeeding

DISCLAIMER: I am incredibly grateful I am that I can breastfeed and that I have a good supply. It saves us SO.MUCH.MONEY! However, that good supply can make things as simple as going out in public a hassle. Finding outfits that make you feel like less of a lump when postpartum is difficult enough, but adding in breast accessibility creates a whole new challenge. So, here we go with things you can’t wear when breastfeeding.


Things you can’t wear when breastfeeding


white tee

One would think that the classic white tee would be an easy go-to, but one would be fucking wrong.  If you leak through, it looks like a very specific wet t-shirt contest and dries into hard, off-colored spots. And every time you look at your baby or hear a baby crying at the store, you will feel the familiar and uncomfortable pressure of a let down.



black tee

Refer to #1, just in black, and way worse. You will have white orbs over your nipples no matter how many breast pads you put in to prevent leakage.






anything tucked

You know the cute “in” style right now with a tee tucked into your jeans/shorts/skirt/wtf-ever. This will not happen because there is absolutely zero ways to look cute and put together when feeding. You are trying to get the fussy baby to stop wiggling and onto your tit without drooling milk all down your shirt and/or belly.



gray anything

No. No we dont. Gray is the worst of all the neutral colors. The second it gets wet (and it always does) you can see it from a mile away. And when it dries into a crust, it still looks wet. There is no winning with gray. Stay away from gray.



crew neck tees

The crew neck makes it impossible to whip out your tit from the top so you have to pull the whole shirt up, offending the world with boobs that have a purpose and a flabby belly yet to be toned (I’m getting to it, okay?)



high necklines

Yeah, keep dreaming sunshine. There is absolutely zero boob access and since you have now become a milk maid, you no longer get to worry about “cute.”






Not gonna happen, girlfrannn. Even going from the smallest of boobs (like my perky lil 32As from before) your boobs will now be far too large to wear these enhancing stripes. Your boobs will be enormous, (like my now 36 DDs. What the fuck, man?)




These are too adorable. No doubt. But bring some duct tape or cable ties because no way is that little bit of lace going to hold in these engorged puppies. And these look far less cute with pads shoved in to try your best to prevent the dreaded leaking.



bras in general

The boulder holder you used to love because it perked you up so nicely will likely no longer fit and will be burdensome. You either have to pull it up over your boob and get squeezed by the underwire or pull the strap off and tuck the cup under your boob to get wet and misshapen.


things you can wear when breastfeeding



I swear, its like every color, shape, material I try there is some downside to it. If you want the easiest of the hard, stick to:


These will give you the best access for a tee. Just make sure it is loose enough to where you wont be able to tell the neckline is stretched out and have something to wear over it because no matter the color, you will have leak spots somewhere.


button downs

You can decide your level of access and can layer to make yourself look presentable. There are tons of styles, patterns and colors.



athletic wear

You can get away with looking a mess because people will think you just worked out (and there is no problem with not correcting them.) There are zips and pockets and the fabric sucks everything in just right. Plus, the special water-wicking-dry-fit-rain-x style bullshit helps leaks from looking too leaky. It spreads it around more and makes it a bit less noticeable.




and finally,


the Mom bun

This is a fucking staple. You can wear it everyday without worry. Throw some dry shampoo in that bitch and call it an “updo.”







So next time you step out, don’t worry about what you wear because you are fucked regardless. Breastfeeding is great, now make the hubs do it and he will finally understand the hour to get ready and the meltdowns.


Mom and Student. Kinda Shitty and Kinda Awesome.


Well looky, looky……guess who is back!!! Me bitches. The Shittty Housewife herself. In the wrinkled, semi sun burned, dry flesh. I could not be more excited to get back to this amazing place I call my home. Ugh, I have missed you guys and I have missed talking shit!!!!!!!!!!

But my hiatus is OVER and thank freaking god. It was not a decision I wanted to make at all. Just abandoning the blog so quickly for a few months was a hard choice.  But I needed to pull back from something because I decided to take so many classes at school. It was the first time in my entire life that I admitted I bite off more than I could chew. I bite off a large pizza, an entire german chocolate cake, a 15 pound turkey and then another pizza. Like, it sounded like a great idea but damn…TOO MUCH. I played with the idea of leaving my husband and kids to fend for themselves for 14 weeks so I didn’t have to leave the blog world, but, I mean, they are kinda my family and wouldn’t survive without my cleanliness and wit (BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA… I bring any cleanliness to this team!) So after realizing the family needed me, I couldn’t quit my job and my stupid ass signed up for ALL the classes, leaving this place for a bit was the appropriate choice….I guess. But that shit is over and OH MY GOD, thank you sweet baby Jesus. It was awful.

14 weeks. 5 classes. Like real, 3 credit classes. Not bullshit classes. Day in and day out of assignment after assignment. Projects, quizzes, exams….PRESENTATIONS. Like what the fuck?! I am 38, I don’t need to do a stupid presentation on some fake, made up company with five 18 year olds who are all eager and willing…..gross. 14 weeks of this shit, while working 30 hours a week, raising 3 kids, killin it in the wife department (hehehe) and just living life. All while I am taking these 5 horrible classes. But guess what, if you put your mind to something….you can do it. And I did. Did I get straight A’s? HELL NO! Did I get even one A….NOPE. I got all C’s and one B and I have never been so damn proud of myself.

And it wasn’t about passing these difficult classes that made me proud. It was that I set myself on a nearly impossible mission and was told by a few friends and family that it way too much. And I agreed, daily. But I woke up early, stayed up ate, missed out on phone calls, date nights and loads of other shit because I was on a mission. To take these classes and get through them in the most mediocre way, to cross 15 credits off my list, and I fucking did it.

It doesn’t matter what your mission is really. Whether it is to pass some classes, lose some weight, drink less beer, be more patient….if you really want it, you will get it. You just have to have something inside, even if it is tiny, telling you…. YOU ARE THE SHIT and you can do anything.

Ya see, I do call myself The Shitty Housewife and when it comes to actually being a “housewife” I am very shitty. Like as I sit here and type I can smell my mildew pajama pants I am wearing because I just didn’t feeling like moving laundry along one day and messed up some of our clothes. Shitty, I know. But I counteract that shittiness by constantly making my kids laugh and giving my husband good head. I may be horrible at loading the dishwasher but I am great at playing hide and seek and making Matt the most perfect cup of coffee every morning. The majority of days zero beds are made but every single day I make sure all 4 of my people are tucked in, full bellies, and happy hearts. So yeah, I am The Shitty Housewife, but I as well AM THE SHIT.

This semester I learned so much. And not about the topics I was studying but about myself. I learned I am smart. I learned that I am a great writer. I learned I am an excellent bull shitter. I learned that I can focus with an insane amount of noise around me. I learned that if I have a task I will complete it, no matter how god awful it is. And most importantly, I learned that I am much more capable than I ever knew I could be. We all are if we want something bad enough.

So as you move through your day and think about your goals, whether it is something huge like go back to school as an adult with a full life or just getting through the day without eating a piece of chocolate (your goal, not mine kid) know that you can. You can complain about it as much as you want, because most of the time, shit you want is NOT easy. So bitch and moan and bitch some more. But when you lay your head down at night know you rocked it. Even if your version or rocking it is completely mediocre like mine.

These past 14 weeks I learned more about how fucking awesome I am than any of my 5 classes taught me combined. And trust me, I have done a lot in my life to be proud of, but this was it for me. This was tough and I fucking did it. Through tears, and rage, and exhaustion and more tears, I did it. I finally proved to myself that I AM THE SHIT.

Happy Tuesday….it is good to be back.


The Shitty Housewife

Jan O


Jennifer Lawrence & Norman Reedus

GUESS WHO IS BACK??!!!! That’s right friends, it’s me. Break is over and I am back in that blog game! I am so excited and I hope you guys are too!!! I missed you tons and will fill you in on everything in tomorrows O’Shit Tuesday. But for now, lets get back to what I know you have all been missing. MASTURBATION MONDAY!!!!!! EEEKKKKKKK.

I mean, have you even been able to jerk off without me???? (That sounded kinda weird and I hope so, otherwise you are all probably acting like a bunch of pent up jerks, because it’s been months!) I wanted to start back up with a bang, so I picked too of the sexiest creatures to ever bless us with their beauty. Jennifer Lawerence and Norman Reedus.

Good god, Jennifer Lawrence is so damn beutiful it is insane. Wheter she is walking the red carpet or turning blue in X Men, she owns it and owns us. And on top of her beauty, she seems so normal and relatable. I mean she fell at the Oscars, in front of everyone and laughed that shit off like a queen….you don’t get cooler than that!!! And the older she gets, the better she becomes. I would do anything to have some girl time with her…wink, wink.

Norman Reedus. No words. I mean, where did he come from, besides my dreams. He oozes sex appeal and makes all days seem like a great time for some masturbating. Whether he is killing zombies or fan boying over my favorite band Interpol, he is constantly making things hot. Oh Norman……..thank you for being you.

So there you have it folks. Our first back at it Masturbation Monday.  Enjoy and I hope you all get some good tug time today!


The Shitty Housewife

Happy National Joe Day!!!

Like for real, this is a thing. National Joe Day! And I do celebrate, because why the heck not, right??!! The name Joe has a little bit of special meaning to me….when it comes to my sexual past, I have experienced two Joe’s. Both very attractive and fun! But it is such a simple name, with so many possibilities. And SO many hot guys from across the board with this name! So today, when you are masturbating, let a Joe pop into your head and celebrate today! Go Joe!

38 Things Your Realize By The TimeYou Turn 38….My Annual Birthday List

  1. Life is so fast
  2. Life is so long
  3. You will never wake up and feel completely accomplished (set goals people)
  4. Your body truly does get worn down as you age
  5. Being tired is never an excuse anymore (because you are always freaking tired)
  6. Having different opinions from people you love is a GOOD thing
  7. Politics are very important
  8. High School seems like 5 years ago
  9. You don’t need to shave your legs all that much
  10. Sex is sexier
  11. Hangovers last 4 days
  12. 90210 will always be better than any show to ever come out in your lifetime
  13. Boy Bands will always make you dance
  14. Sex is so much more quality than quantity
  15. Kissing will always make you giddy
  16. Wrinkles happen…..just accept it (especially for those of us who can’t afford $500 wrinkle cream or plastic surgery) AGING HAPPENS, IT IS NOT THAT SERIOUS
  17. Feeling embarassed so silly
  18. The idea of “When I am that age….” goes out the fucking window. Shit will happen when it is suppose to happen
  19. You will never have enough money
  20. You will never use long division
  21. Being a student at this age BLOWS
  22. You now know who your one and only true friends are (and they are the fucking shit)
  23. Cheese Dip will be the best tasting thing always and forever
  24. Losing weight gets harder and harder and harder every damn year
  25. Your sexual history is nothing to be ashamed of. Be proud of your past, think of all the awesome stories you have!
  26. Justin Timberlake will always be the sexiest man….ever
  27. You stop thinking, ‘What’s going to happen next?’ and start thinking “What is happening right now?’
  28. It is officially confirmed at this age that laughter is the best medicine
  29. Dancing is the best feeling (besides an orgasm)
  30. There is so much uncalled for hate in the world that you can’t fix
  31. Animals are so much smarter than us humans
  32. Going to bed is more exciting than going out
  33. All that talk about eating right, drinking water and working out was right….you should do all those things much more
  34. Having your coffee programmed to brew before you wake up is vital for a successful morning
  35. You will never believe you are actually as old as you are
  36. Hands jobs are the greatest
  37. Mascara can not be black enough
  38. Life is a hell of a good time, so enjoy it at all ages and make the most memories you can.

Well, Happy Birthday to me. I can not believe I am 38. It sounds insane coming out of my mouth. And as scared as I am to turn this age, I will welcome it (I mean, I have no other options.) I am lucky to have had 38 years to make the most of this amazing life journey….fingers crossed I get 38 more! Cheers!


The Shitty Housewife
