The Superbowl

There is no better day to be a snacker in America, then the day of the Superbowl. It gives us all the open right to munch away and I fucking love it. The dips, the cheese, the meats….it’s like the day television says, “Hey girl, today, calories don’t exist.”  Of course the commercials featuring half naked women don’t help, but those seems to have dissipated now that America’s government has fallen apart! And this year, the Superbowl has blessed us all with the halftime performer being the one….the only….JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE. I mean, what is better than gorging all day with a JT concert in between chip dips….ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. SO cheers to you Superbowl for giving me this one day to  say screw you Keto and hello QUESO!



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