The Shitty Housewife

Hungarian Chicken Paprikas

From a Hungarian background, this dish reminds me of childhood and turned out to taste just like it! It is surprisingly easy and you more than likely have everything on hand already. I added a pinch of cayenne at the end to add a little kick but that is totally up to your preference. 

Let us know what you think and send us your photos of you make it! 


¼ cup butter + 1 tablespoon

1 pound boneless skinless chicken breasts

1 medium onion, chopped

1 ½ cups chicken broth 

3 tablespoons Hungarian sweet paprika

½ teaspoon Kosher salt

1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

2 tablespoons all-purpose flour, as needed for coating chicken

1 cup sour cream


Chop chicken into 1” pieces and dry and dust lightly with flour.

Heat a large skillet over medium heat until it is hot. Melt ¼ cup butter. Add chicken, paprika, salt and pepper, and sauté until the chicken is lightly browned. Remove chicken from pan and tent loosely with foil.

Add remaining 1 tablespoon butter to pan and sauté onions until they are translucent. Return chicken to the pan.

Add chicken broth and gently simmer over low heat until chicken is cooked through. Remove chicken from the pan and tent loosely with foil.

Stir 2 tablespoons of flour into the pan and boil until the sauce has thickened to your taste. Add sour cream and return chicken to the pan and coat with the sauce.

Serve with spaetlze or egg noodles.
Now, if your boyfriend is anything like mine,don’t tell him it has sour cream! And ignore my dirty stove top!! Long day as a Shitty Housewife!