The Shitty Housewife

Vegetarian Mexican Mac

So I went to the store to get chicken and was going to make curry. Then Matt came home and we started doing yard work. next thing you know it is almost 6 and I had 3 hungry kids who wanted something FAST. Curry was not happening. I looked in the pantry and saw….you guessed it… NOTHING. Well, except mac and cheese. Then I saw some black beans, so I went with it. Vegetarian Mexican Mac it is…. A Shitty Housewife creation!!!


Boxed Mac and cheese, black beans, corn, onion, tomatoes, spices and cilantro (that you will forget to put on!)

Step 1…Boil the mac noodles

Step 2… Saute the onions and add some tomatoes


Step 3…Add corn and black beans to onions and let it all meld together and heat up

Step 4…..Look at this playrrom mess….AGAIN

Step 5…Mix the mixture and let simmer and add some spices. I used chiptole and cumin.

Step 6…Look at your sweet cooking partner

Step 7….Add bean/corn mixture to noddles and add cheese.

Step 8…Serve to happy kids who will take two bites and say they are full!

That’s it! It was pretty good. Matt and I were going to make something different for us but we got lazy and just ate it. We grabbed some tortillas and salsa and made little wraps though. It was much better that way. But for a last minute, zero in the kitchen meal, I pretty much nailed it.