The Shitty Housewife

Shittiest Move of the Week

Happy Friday. And forgive this for being late… shitty of me….

Well, this week the hubs and I decided that we would do only fruits and veggies for 10 days. A full detox. We have not been living healthy. We have been living busy. Whatever is easy and fast to get us through this whirlwind of life we are currently on. We were pretty gross with out habits and that needed to change. We are heading out of town next week so we decided only fruits and vegetables until we leave.

It has not been hard…..for Matt. He is feeling good, looking good, just overall enjoying it. He keeps finding all these recipes, is super positive, has this shit under control. Me on the other hand….I am a hungry, cranky bitch who wants a piece of bread really freaking bad.

He actually loves it so much he wants to start doing this Monday through Thursday, weekly and then eating whatever on the weekends. I love his enthusiasm. I love how much he is enjoying this. I love his idea….BUT WHAT THE FUCK????? Really.

Look, it has been great. The kids are eating so many great, fresh, healthy foods. I do feel good. I have not looked this good since before having kids (I will credit Kayla Istines for that though) but damn, I want some cheese.

So that is my crappy move. Just talking shit about my husbands new way of living. I am on board but kinda pissed about it. I am counting the day, actually hours, actually minutes until we get in that car for our road trip and we get a break from this diet…..corn nuts, you better be ready!!!