The Shitty Housewife

Shittiest Move of the Week

Surprisingly, I did not have a lot to pick from this week. This week was one of those weeks that went insanely fast and between work, school, kids, life….Matt and I barely saw each other. I wasn’t too bad of a mom either. Everyone survived (so far!)  I did shitty in school, but what else is new.

I only worked one day this week. Just one. Matt has been busting his ass all week long at work. But I worked…today. I came home and the house was immaculate. Everything cleaned, put away. Fucking shining. I thanked him for the beautiful looking house. He said..
“Yep, I am not a shitty housewife.”
I laughed. Nope, you aren’t honey. That is my job. So what is my shittiest move this week??? Owning that when it comes to housewifing…I AM THE SHIT. The Shittiest.