The Shitty Housewife

I Fell In Love, Again

I fell in love with my husband a few days ago…..AGAIN.

And not that I ever fell out of love with him, ever. I just think it is normal to be with someone for awhile and the ebbs and flows life make you just move about each other in a friend way. Roommate way. Buddy way. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. But what makes us NOT friends, roommates or buddies, is that I MAD love him and every once in awhile I re-fall in love with him so passionately it gives me butterflies.

I have been struggling with some internal emotions about work and what to do with my life after school. And although I am so happy to be done, I am so nervous I will freak out, because I am used to being SO busy…I have forgotten how to NOT be busy. Like I can’t relax. And I also feel like there is SO much this world needs in so many different aspects of life…THERE IS NO TIME TO RELAX!

I was complaining about work. I was complaining about applying for jobs. I was complaining about missing the kids. I was complaining about missing out on work. I was just complaining. This man…my husband, who has been watching me bust my ass, stress, cry. This guy who pays all my bills and pays me my paycheck. This guy who has been the ONLY person in my life who did not discourage me from taking ALL the classes made it clear. I CAN and WILL do whatever I need to do next. And whatever I choose, he will support me. Emotionally, spiritually, financially. And yes, that is what a partner is supposed to do. But so many can’t. And so many simply don’t.

Maybe most husbands would be just as supportive as mine. Maybe not. I only know what this incredible man does for me and I am glad I will never know what another man will do, because Matt is stuck with me forever.

Whatever words he spoke…I can’t even remember verbatim. He made me feel so good. So appreciated. So excited. So supported. And most importantly…SO LOVED. As I walked away from the conversation he said “And by the way, your ass looks beautiful.” I turned around and 100% completely fell in love with him.

That’s what makes relationships work. Everyday is different and some days…. a lot of days, can be boring and redundant. And that is no big deal. Life is not going to be exciting everyday, no matter how hard you try. But every once in awhile you need to stop. Crack open a few beers. Dive into a serious conversation and really reconnect. You are married for a reason. You fell in love for a reason. You choose this person for a reason.

And when that reason creeps up out of nowhere and compliments your ass, you smile, eat it up and fall in love all over again.


The Shitty Housewife

Jan O