The Shitty Housewife

I’m Bringing Healthy Back

So I am on a major health kick. I do this a lot. Hop on one of those health bandwagons and hope for the best. Three days in I usually end up balls deep in High Life, which then takes me into queso chomping mode the next day. It is a vicious cycle that I really need to break. And not so much because it screws with my workouts or how I feel physically, it’s because now that I am getting older, a couple days like that REALLY fuck me up mentally.

Here is what happens. I bust my ass Monday and Tuesday. Like drink a gallon of water each day, get the right amount of proteins and shit. Load up on fruits and veggies. Wednesday rolls around and I am running tired. It’s hump day and I feel humped (and not in a good way.) I normally am sore and end up skipping the ol’ workout. Then there is Thursday, when I try to get motivated again and that fails. Between working full time, the kids, the schedules, I order pizza. Which for sure means a couple beers. Then Friday is a bust because I am a light weight and am hungover after 3 brews. I grab a bagel, then some sort of unhealthy lunch. Then after carpool queso time it is. Then it’s the weekend so who gives a fuck??!!  This is the story of my life these days. And as fun as it is… needs to stop.

I started back up with my Kayla Itsines workouts. I know that shit works. It is quick and NOT painess. I also signed up for a 30 day yoga challenge. I used to do yoga all the time. I was so flexible and bendy…now I can’t touch my toes without curling up into a ball. The challenge is about 10 minutes a day. I am on day 8 and have REALLY enjoyed it. It is fast and I would love them to be longer, but I guess easing back into it is probably for the best. Between Kayla and this, I am feeling good about where I am with workouts. Last week I was so sore I couldn’t sit on the toilet without moaning……so I guess something is changing.

My husband had decided to do a little 2 week diet change with me. Cutting out a lot of crap. Trying to change our taste buds a bit. I am really sticking to this and I know him doing the same will help. This means low carbs, lots of fruits and veggies and NO QUESO……for 2 weeks.

What’s even harder than queso….no beer. Now this may be the hardest part for me. That may sound bad, but it is true. Look, I work, I go to school, I have three kids with all different morning drop offs and pickups. We have two houses, a shit load of chores, 3 dogs and a cat. BEER IS ESSENTIAL! But none for me for 2 weeks…..12 days as of when this is posted!

Again, this isn’t about losing weight. It’s about changing my mind set. Getting back on track. Having more energy and feeling mentally on point rather than a mild fog all day. A bonus might be looking better, so I will take it.

I plan on taking some before and after pictures as well. SO we can all judge my results! Hopefully we see some, right?! So wish me luck. And don’t worry, I will be boozing again in no time for your entertainment!


The Shitty Housewife

Jan O