The Shitty Housewife

OOPS, I did it again….

Hello! It’s me again. You have probably forgotten me because I keep leaving you all. I keep saying, “I’M BACK” then I disappear again. This was suppose to be summer break and what happened was the summer rat race from hell. Everything that could have happened, freaking happened. You name it, we experienced it all within the last 3 months. And suddenly, it is the end of July and I am about to have a Kindergartener, a Pre-Ker and a Cameron. WHAT THE FUCK…..

And once again blogging has taken a hit and I know you all miss me dearly……

But this time I really do feel like my load may be getting lighter. I have been promised a better work schedule. I am only 2 classes away from graduating and this semester is a full one, not some shortened summer bullshit. And I really want to take this semester and teach myself how to unwind again. Just not be as busy so I can blog, and write, and talk and make more time for things that make me happy.

So my apologies again for disappearing. I heard that building a blog takes lots of consistency……so I guess it is a good thing this is a shitty blog, right?!

My bad though guys. I will do better this time, I swear!!


The Shitty Housewife

Jan O