The Shitty Housewife

Eddie Vedder and Sheryl Crow

In two months from today 4 of my favorite females and I will be making a trek to Tennessee to go to The Pilgramge Festival. Of course we are all beyond excited to see our maiin man Justin Timberlake, but more so than that we get to enjoy the voice and beauty of Eddie Vedder. Eddie has been one of my main dreamboats since I was a freshman in high school. I have seen him live severel times with Pearl Jam, but this show is all him. Eddie oozes sexiness to me. The lyrics he puts together are stunning and when he belts out those notes, it is such a specific, genuine sound. You always know when you are listening to Eddie. I wil obsessing over him for the next two months more than usual. But today we should all take a moment to enjoy him.

Sheryl is a classic beauty as well. I can’t say I am a huge fan of her music, but she just seems like a super cool woman. And damn, she is FINE!!!! She is more into country music these days, which I don’t really partake in, but she is still looking great.

So here is to a Monday filled with beautiful voices and open souls. Thank you Eddie and Sheryl for giving us both.

I leave you with the most daunting, gorgeous, intense Eddie song….and some sexy pictures.


The Shitty Housewife

Jan O