The Shitty Housewife

Thursday Thoughts

Well, the O’Shaughnessy Family of 5, first ever family vacation is in the books. We came home last night after a long day of intense travel. It was an amazing 7 days. Great to see so much family and what a beautiful setting we had waking up everyday at my in laws lake house.

Traveling with 3 toddlers is no joke. The planes, the car trips, the non routine. The bad sleep!!!! It was more tiring than I could have ever expected. Last night, once the kids were all home and in their beds Matt and I looked at each other like, ‘What the fuck just happened?’ We are shot. And of course today we all had to wake up at 6 am, Matt heads to work and the kids and I head to the vet to drop off one of the pups for surgery. Then tonight, Matt and the kids pick up the pup while I work. Never a dull moment here.

This is our last official week of summer. And with all three kids at home…FOREVER. Viviane starts school next week. 5 days a week……IT IS FUCKING CRAZY. I actually can not blog about it currently because I will begin crying and I don’t have time for a break down this morning. Plus that is a WHOLE other blog in itself.

Man, these days go fast. Vacation, although tiring, went by in a blink. This LAST summer literally just started and now it is over in 6 more sleeps. My daughter is starting school. The baby, well, he just not a baby anymore. This whirlwind we have been on since the day we met has been nothing short of INCREDIBLE. But now post vacation, we have so much change ahead of us. I am nervous, excited, worried, scared, happy but mostly proud. Proud of this little life Matt and I created for ourselves and for our kids. They are pretty cool. Our life is pretty cool. Our love is pretty cool. Being so lucky is pretty cool.